Activités extrascolaires
06 67 86 82 12

To anticipate the inscription of your child, fill in the pre-inscription form online.
There is no commitment to the school while filling it, but it allows both you and us to prepare your child arrival.
Pre-inscription does not guarantee the definitive inscription, but whenever there would be a waiting list, the order of pre-inscriptions will determine the choice.
Online Inscription
From January to March, we will offer you a visit and a welcome interview
You will be introduced to the school, and we will discuss in more details your child's project.
Depending on the age of the child, admission could depend on the ability to follow the teaching provided by our educators: the motivation, personal abilities, child's background...
A complete academic record of the child will be required for all insciptions from CP grade.
Visit and Arrival Interview
Once your file is accepted, your child's place will be reserved and confirmed definitively, as soon as the inscription and academic fees will be paid.
Therefore, the only thing left will be to complete your family profile on our online platform, and to provide us with all the required administrative papers.