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 2 to 5 years old !

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The Wednesday Club is an initiation to immersive English and to the Montessori pedagogy, it's opened to children of the school but also to outsiders.

The Montessori pedagogy has a major importance in the Wednesday Club as well. The environment is adapted accordingly and offers a wide variety of materials appropriate for the child developement. 


The furniture is adapted to the children size, in order to foster their autonomy, and every activity is designed to support the child development.
Children are co-actors of the Montessori Wednesdays.

The Montessori Wednesday Club is open to all. We welcome children enrolled in school and also to the external public. We welcome children enrolled in other schools, children from nurseries or other early childhood facilities, but also families seeking a first community experience for their child.

The Montessori Wednesday Club offers children a bilingual English immersion time. To do this, the children are accompanied by a pair consisting of a Francophone and an Anglophone facilitator. This arrangement allows children to be in immersion in the English language throughout the day with their Anglophone facilitator.

Journée type

8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Individualized reception of the childFree games.

9:00 a.m - 9:30 a.m  Circle time: talking to children and singing

9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.   Artistic and physical awakening workshop 

11h00 - 11h30  Free games

11h30 - 12h30  Lunch time

12:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.  Nap time, activities related to the theme 

4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.  Snack, circle time

4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.   daycare

Animation team

Administrative manager
Group leaders 2-3 years
Group leaders 3-5 years
Talentree Team.png
Early childhood educator
English-speaking facilitator
French-speaking animator
English-speaking facilitator



Wednesday biilingual montessori club
From 8:30am to 4:30pm

2 to 5 years old

Tuition fees (non registered child):

50€ for the 1st inscription


Organic caterer lunch included


Annual Inscription:

Package: 2 736€ /year for full day

Package: 1 224€ /year for half day

One-time Inscription:

80€ for full day

40€ for half day​

2023-2024 : 35 Wednesdays 
From Wednesday 6th September 2023

to Wednesday 26th June 2024


Only during school time

- 5% for Talentree students

- 10% for the 2nd child

- 15% since the 3rd child


During bilingual Montessori Wednesdays, from 4:30pm to 6:30pm

Annual package : 216€ per hour, 396€ for 2 hours every Wednesday 

One-time : 10€ per hour or 15€ for 2 hours

Wednesday child care

Payment method :

  • 50€ inscription fee for children not registered at TALENTREE, to be paid all in once, which includes the right to access the online parents space for the billing follow-up 

  • Annual participation fees for 10 months to be paid in 1, 3 or 10 times, by direct debit  or cheque.

  • Monthly participation fees for 10 months, to be paid by direct debit or cheque.

  • Unit participation fees to be paid by direct debit, cheque or cash. 

Tarifs Club
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